Olive oils: How design can help in this market in frank expansion - ZON Design | Design de Produtos e Gráfico

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Olive oils: How design can help in this market in frank expansion

Ana Paula Jung



Who doesn't like olive oil? I particularly don't know that someone. The famous “liquid gold” is practically unanimous.

This classic Mediterranean lifestyle icon, considered the healthiest diet in the world, has been increasing its protagonism. It is a market that has grown a lot in recent years, and Rio Grande do Sul is one of the states that has been emerging for the quality of its production. But about 98% of the olive oil consumed in Brazil is still imported. This shows the potential of this segment to leverage new opportunities for several other sectors - including communication and design, for example.

In addition to product quality, it is packaging and bottles, names, logos, labels, material for the point of sale, signs of factories and tasting sites, among other items of the design universe, which will contribute to foster the sector; If the product is premium, for example, the packaging has to translate this position. Design is a strategic tool for the business.

A case is interesting is that of Sabiá olive oil that has a story very close to design. The graphic brand, created by the multinational of Futurebrand brands, received gold medal at the Worldwide Logo Design Annual [WOLDA], an important prize that values the best work on brands produced in the world. I talked to Bob Vieira da Costa, publicist, administrator and olivicator, and he tells the agency's “brilliant” balcony: the label was developed exactly from a briefing with olive oil consumers who said what they would like to see, to have and to see within a label of olive oil; From this briefing, Futurebrand created a clean label, with light colors and a kind of embroidery that refers to the crafts of the olive oil itself; And finally, which is surprising, and which was even a reason to win gold medal at the German festival, is the leaflet in the Sabiá logo that has the shape of a sheet of the olive tree and, at the same time, the shape of a bird . “Design was very well worked” , says Bob.

Packaging is the main communication link between the consumer, the product and the brand. It is an important factor in boosting the sale of the product. If the packaging does not draw attention it can go unnoticed and the chance to continue on the shelf is greater.

In addition to attractive packaging, you also need to know how to choose the best olive oil, which is not an easy task for lay people. I went to get some tips with who is expert on the subject.

The Master of Lagar from the Serra dos Tapes Farm, in Canguçu [RS], Claudia Santos, gives a valuable tip: the olive oil, the fresher the better. In this regard, local production takes advantage. “Only a nearby olive oil will reach the table with the intensity of flavors and aromas that only local production can deliver. So the best olive oil is that extravirgo, made locally and consumed young - and not the imported who almost always arrive here a year or two after produced, ”says Claudia. She says that the great differential of Brazilian national olive oil is the taste . ”Oil must be consumed, preferably, within the year that was elaborated and this we got in Brazilian olive oil that did not travel, did not go to containers or cross the oceans” .

With a gigantic potential in Brazil, the olive oil sector focuses on high quality: it is essential that local producers are prestigious. And the design is there to collaborate in the appreciation of this segment.